
John O'Higgins
John 于 2021 年 9 月 1 日被任命为非执行主席与提名委员会主席。John 于 2020 年 2 月 4 日以非执行董事的身份加入董事会,并于 2020 年 4 月 29 日被任命为高级独立董事,随后又被任命为主席。
John 从 2006 年 1 月至 2018 年 9 月担任 Spectris plc 首席执行官,带领该公司经历了重要的战略转型和发展时期。在加入 Spectris plc 之前,John 在霍尼韦尔国际 (Honeywell International) 工作了 14 年,担任过许多高级管理职务,包括 Honeywell Automation India 的董事长和亚太区自动化与控制总裁。他的早期职业生涯是在 Daimler Benz A.G. 担任研发工程师。
之前的非执行董事职位所在公司包括 Exide Technologies,这是一家总部位于美国的公司,旨在向汽车和工业用户提供电池技术(2010 年至 2015 年)。
John 拥有美国普渡大学机械工程学硕士学位和欧洲工商管理学院工商管理学硕士学位。
- Wincott Foundation 受托人
- Oxford Nanopore Technologies plc 的非执行董事
- Non-executive director of Johnson Matthey plc and a member of the audit, nomination and remuneration committees
- Envea Global 的顾问,该公司是环境空气和排放测量领域的市场领导者,由 The Carlyle Group 控股

Paul Waterman
加入海名斯:2016 年 2 月
Paul 在开发市场、产品和创造价值、业务优化和转型的机会方面有着骄人的工作业绩。Paul 的全球性经验提供了实施公司战略和提供激励人心的领导力所需的技能组合。在加入海名斯之前,Paul 曾于 2013 年担任 BP Lubricants 业务的全球首席执行官,在此之前,他曾负责 BP 澳大利亚/新西兰的下游业务。2010 年,Paul 担任澳大利亚总裁。在此之前,他曾担任 BP 全球航空、工业、海洋和能源润滑油业务(2009 年至 2010 年)的首席执行官,以及 BP Lubricants Americas(2007 年至 2009 年)的首席执行官。他于 2000 年在 BP 收购 Burmah-Castrol 后加入 BP,并于 1994 年加入 Burmah-Castrol,并且早前曾任职于利洁时 (Reckitt Benckiser) 和卡夫食品 (Kraft Foods)。Paul holds a BSc in Packaging Engineering from Michigan State University and an MBA in Finance and International Business from New York University, Stern School of Business.

Ralph Hewins
加入海名斯:2016 年 9 月
Ralph 于 2016 年 9 月 12 日被任命为指定首席财务官和执行董事,并于 2016 年 11 月 1 日担任海名斯集团的首席财务官。
Ralph 是一位卓有成就的首席财务官,他在财务、战略发展和实施以及并购方面业绩卓著,这使他能够提供有效的财务领导力,以支持“重振增长”战略的实施。
Ralph 曾在 BP 工作了 30 年,担任过许多重要的领导职位,包括财务管理、销售和市场营销、企业发展、并购、战略和规划等职务。2010 年,Ralph 担任 BP Lubricants 的首席财务官,并在 2010 年至 2016 年之间一直是 Castrol India Limited 的董事会成员。
Ralph holds an MA in Modern History and Economics from the University of Oxford and an MBA from INSEAD.

Geertrui (Trudy) Schoolenberg
Trudy 于 2022 年 3 月 15 日被任命为非执行董事.
Trudy has over 30 years’ experience of work as a Senior Independent Director in the chemicals, engineering and high performance product sectors. 她在 Shell、Wärtsilä 和 Akzo Nobel 等全球性公司建立了自己的高管职业生涯,她带来了强大的国际视野和通过创新推动可持续发展的良好记录。
此外,Trudy 还拥有丰富的运营知识,她在 Shell 任职期间在荷兰 Pernis 炼油厂担任生产经理,该炼油厂是欧洲最大的炼油厂,也是世界上最大的炼油厂之一。
Trudy currently serves as a non-executive director and senior independent director of Accsys Technologies plc (AIM listed sustainable building materials business), a supervisory board member of SPIE SA (a listed technical services business) and as a non-executive director and senior independent director of TI Fluid Systems plc (a listed global manufacturer of automotive systems). Trudy previously served as a board member of The Netherlands Petroleum Stockpiling Agency (COVA) (2011-2021), non-executive director and senior independent director at Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc (2012-2021), non-executive director and senior independent director of Low and Bonar plc (2013-2020) and as a supervisory board member of Avantium N.V. (2020-2022).
Trudy 拥有代尔夫特理工大学(荷兰)的技术物理学博士学位,并拥有工业工程硕士学位。
- Non-Executive Director and chair of Accsys Technologies plc
- SPIE SA 独立董事
- TI Fluid Systems plc 高级独立董事

Dorothee Deuring
Dorothee 于 2017 年 3 月 1 日被任命为非执行董事。
Dorothee 为董事会提供关于更广泛的欧洲化学品行业的宝贵见解,以及行业特定收购专业知识。
Dorothee 管理着自己的公司顾问及咨询服务,为制药/生物技术领域的许多欧洲客户提供服务。她活跃于各种行业机构。Her previous executive roles included managing director and head of Corporate Advisory Group (Europe) at UBS in Zurich, head of M&A chemicals and healthcare at a private investment bank in Germany and as a senior executive in the corporate finance department at the Roche Group. Dorothee served as non-executive director of the supervisory board of Bilfinger SE and member of the audit committee (May 2016 - May 2021).
Dorothee 拥有斯特拉斯堡路易· 巴斯德大学 (Université Louis Pasteur) 化学硕士学位,以及欧洲工商管理学院工商管理学硕士学位。
- Non-executive director of Temenos AG
- Supervisory board member of OMV AG
- Non-executive director of Cornucopia SICAV-SIF

Christine Soden
Christine 于 2020 年 11 月 1 日被任命为非执行董事,2022 年 4 月 26 日被任命为员工敬业度部门非执行董事以及审计委员会主席。
Christine 为董事会带来了创新和技术商业化的重要经验。Christine 是一位经验丰富的首席财务官,业绩辉煌,她领导了一系列以创新为基础的私人和上市公司,并特别专注于生物技术、生命科学和制药产品。
自 2015 年至 2020 年 2 月,她曾担任 Acacia Pharma Group plc 的首席财务官和公司秘书,该公司是一家上市的医药产品提供商,旨在改善手术患者的治疗效果和康复。在加入 Acacia Pharma Group plc 之前,Christine 曾担任另类投资市场 (AIM) 上市公司 Electrical Geodesics, Inc.(于 2017 年被 Philips NV 收购)的首席财务官和非执行董事。其他首席财务官和财务领导职位所在公司包括 Optos plc、BTG plc(前 FTSE250 成员)、Oxagen Limited 和 Celltech Chiroscience Group plc,她的生命科学职业生涯始于在 Medeva plc 担任财务总监。
此前,Christine 曾于 2017 年至 2020 年 2 月担任 e-therapeutics plc(AIM 上市的以技术为基础的药物研发平台)的审计委员会主席,并于 2000 年至 2005 年担任 Provalis plc(上市医疗保健企业)的审计委员会主席。She was also non-executive director of Futurenova Limited, a provider of antimicrobial cases for ipads and iphones from 2017 to 2021 and Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult from 2020 to 2024.
Christine 是一名注册会计师,拥有杜伦大学数学学位。
- Non-executive director of Arecor Therapeutics plc

Clement Woon
Clement was appointed a Non-Executive Director on 1 December 2022 and became Chair of the Remuneration Committee on 30 April 2024.
Clement 在全球科技和消费者相关行业拥有非常丰富的管理经验。他非常熟悉如何运用战略干预让传统企业重获新生,重新焕发增长活力,同时对亚太地区市场有丰富的经验和深刻的了解。
Clement 在 2016 年 8 月至 2020 年 3 月期间,曾任卓郎智能技术股份有限公司的集团 CEO,此公司是一家纺织成套设备和零部件企业,在上海证券交易所上市,市值 10 亿欧元。在 2021 年 8 月之前,Clement 一直担任卓郎集团董事会的非执行董事。2021 年 3 月至 2023 年 1 月期间,Clement 担任 PFI Foods Industries Pte. Ltd 的主席
在 2014 年 4 月至 2016 年 7 月期间,Clement 担任金昇实业股份有限公司的顾问和联席首席执行官,Ltd, an industrial company in China with diverse interests including biotech, automotive and textiles. Clement 还曾担任多家瑞士和新加坡公司的高级职位,包括 Leica Geosystems AG 公司的部门 CEO、SATS Ltd 的总裁和 CEO,以及 OC Oerlikon AG 纺织部门 CEO。
Clement 拥有新加坡国立大学工业工程专业的理科硕士学位,以及电气工程专业的工学学士学位,以及南洋理工大学的科技管理专业 MBA。
Chair of the Remuneration Committee and member of the Audit Committee and Nomination Committee
- Morgan Advanced Materials plc 的非执行董事

Maria Ciliberti
Maria was appointed a Non-Executive Director on 11 March 2024.
Maria’s professional experience spans over 35 years in the petrochemical industry and includes roles in manufacturing, R&D, commercial and business management. She worked at The Dow Chemical Company, Columbia Gas of Ohio and Container Corporation of America in the USA. She also spent over a decade in global leadership roles in Europe, with Celanese, General Electric Plastics (now owned by SABIC) and Borealis, where her last role was Commercial Vice President for Borealis’ Global Specialty Solutions Business.
Since 2022, Maria has held the role of President for the USA & Canada business of Royal Vopak, a global, independent infrastructure provider. Maria sits on the board of Vopak’s USA and Canadian joint ventures, which include Vopak Industrial Infrastructure Americas, Vopak Exolum Houston, Vopak Energy Storage Texas, Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal and Ridley Island Energy Export Facility.
Maria holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and a Master of Business Administration – both from The Ohio State University.
Audit Committee and Nomination Committee

Heejae Chae
Heejae was appointed a Non-Executive Director on 25 March 2024.
Heejae served as Chief Executive of Scapa Group plc, a global supplier of products for healthcare and industrial markets, for twelve years, until its sale in 2021. Prior to joining Scapa Group plc, he held roles as Group Chief Executive of Volex Group plc, and was the Group General Manager, Radio Frequency Worldwide, for Amphenol Corporation. Heejae spent the early part of his career in finance at The Blackstone Group and Donaldson Lufkin and Jenrette, before moving into industry.
Heejae holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Columbia University, and an MBA from Harvard University.
Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee
- Non-executive director of IP Group plc and chair of the IP Group remuneration committee
- Executive Chairman of Sys Group plc

Christopher Mills
Christopher was appointed a non-independent Non-Executive Director on 1 January 2025.
Christopher is currently the Chief Executive Officer and Investment Manager of North Atlantic Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc, a UK listed investment trust, and a non-executive director of Assetco plc, MJ Gleeson plc, The PRS REIT plc, Oryx International Growth Fund Limited and various other organisations.
- Chief Executive Officer and Investment Manager of North Atlantic Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc
- Non-executive director of Assetco plc
- Non-executive director of Oryx International Growth Fund Limited
- Non-executive director of Bigblu Broadband plc
- Non-executive director of Catalyst Media Group plc
- Non-executive director of EKF Diagnostics Holdings plc
- Non-executive director of Frenkel Topping Group plc
- Non-executive director of MJ Gleeson plc
- Non-executive director of PRS REIT plc
- Non-executive director of Renalytix plc

Anna Lawrence
加入海名斯:2021 年 3 月
Anna 负责整个集团的所有法律和合规性事务,同时也是集团公司秘书。此外,Anna 也担任集团首席合规官以及道德与合规委员会主席。她曾在 Rolls-Royce plc、Johnson Matthey plc 和 Kingfisher plc 等多个不同行业的公司担任高级法律职务,拥有丰富的国际事务经验。She qualified as a solicitor at Allen & Overy LLP and holds a BA in Modern Languages from the University of Oxford, a Postgraduate Diploma in Law and Legal Practice from BPP Law School and is an Associate of the Chartered Governance Institute.